This is the complete description of the Subjations.  Some of these items are not in the diagram, not everything can be drawn. 


Subject - an abstraction for or in a relation

Relation - more than one subject combined together

Entity - tangible subject

Concept - intangible subject

Extrinsic Subject - subject encompassing a relation

Intrinsic Subject - subject comprising a relation

Right - if a subject is within an extrinsic subject

Wrong - if a subject is not within an extrinsic subject

True - if a subject is within an extrinsic subject and the extrinsic subject is a matter of fact

Possession - if an intrinsic subject is within a subject

Good - what increases a relation

Bad - what hinders or decreases a relation

Horror - extreme Bad

Serious - being within an extrinsic subject, also known as relevant

Silly - happiness that is not within an extrinsic subject

Crazy - if an extrinsic subject is ambiguous

Confusion - if the choice of an extrinsic subject is ambiguous

Value - direction of a relation

Like - to share Values


Happiness - occurs if subjects combine and form a relation. There are five different types of happiness. In order to include non-social relations in these definitions, the generic term combination is used symbolized with the letter 'C'.

1stC (Primary Happiness) - occurs when subjects combine and a relation is formed. Here the extrinsic subject is created. The terms 'more' and 'less' do not apply with 1stC. It is very important to clarify that with 1stC one does not say, "Happiness is the combination of subjects," but, "Happiness occurs if subjects combine and form a relation."

2ndC (Secondary Happiness) - occurs when subjects are combined to an existing relation. Here the extrinsic subject already exists. The terms 'more' and 'less' apply with 2ndC. Leverage and contentment exist because of 2ndC.

3rdC (Tertiary Happiness) - occurs as the back and forth dynamics between relations. Here more than one extrinsic subject is involved.

Leverage - resembles a lever, the relative lowering of a subject in a relation causes the relative increase of the other related subjects. This also is known as antipathetic happiness. Subjects on opposite sides of the lever are antipathetic to each other. An examples of this is kidding.

Contentment - is a relative position a subject has in a relationship. This position is what we mean when we say we are "happy". Another term that applies here is "fashion". Fashion is the active form of contentment. This type of happiness is personal and can be stronger than 1stC. Some sub-emotions of contentment are:

Satisfaction - got what you wanted (got what gives you contentment) 

Elation - got more than what you wanted

Grief - didn't get what you wanted*

Frustration - not getting what you wanted

Anger - extreme Frustration (urge to destroy)

Distress - got what you didn't want*

Relief - didn't get what you didn't want*

Unhappiness is, of course, the converse but with separation instead of combination.

Sorry - empathetic Unhappiness

Regret - the action toward Sorry

Gratitude - the action toward antipathetic Happiness

Forgive - declaring Unhappiness to be irrelevant

Blame - declaring Unhappiness to be relevant

Nervous - anticipation of a combination

Shy - extreme Nervousness

Worry - anticipation of a separation

Concern - mild Worry

Fear - extreme Worry

Terror - extreme Fear

Anxiety - general term for Nervous, Shy, Worry, Concern, Fear or Terror


Pride - above Contentment

Shame - below Contentment

Dignity - empathetic Pride

Arrogance, Conceit - extreme Dignity

Honor - the action toward Dignity

Jealousy - antipathetic Pride

Envy - the action toward Jealousy

Respect - the action toward Pride

Admiration - the action toward Respect

Self Pity - empathetic Shame

Humiliation - the action toward Self Pity

Modesty - at level with Contentment

Humility - the action toward Modesty

Pity - antipathetic Shame

Pathetic, Pitiful, Contempt - extreme Pity

Disgust - the action toward Pity

Expectation - future Contentment

Hope - the action toward Expectation (to want a future Contentment)

Standard - past Contentment

Surprise - empathetically or antipathetically above Standard or Expectation

Embarrassment - empathetically below Standard or Expectation

Disappointment - antipathetically below Standard or Expectation

Ecstatic - extreme Surprise

Sadness - extreme Disappointment or Embarrassment

Hate - extreme antipathy

Love - extreme empathy (desire to support)

Miss - absent empathy


Axiom: Extrinsic subjects can never be related intrinsic subjects. Such an event would instantly cause a new extrinsic subject to exist. This is called "The League Rule" or "The Authority Rule."

Axiom: Related subjects do not combine for the same reason that unrelated subjects do not separate. This is called "The Base Rule". It is a significant factor in morality.



*The definitions for Grief, Distress and Relief are from I. Roseman 1984. Cognitive determinants of emotion: a structured theory. In P. Shaver (ed.), Review of personality and social psychology (Vol. 5: Emotions, relationships, and health). Beverly-Hills: Sage, 11-36.



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